February 20, 2021

Our Recovery From COVID-19: Clawing Our Way Back

freight logistics company

The last twelve months have been game-changing in many ways with most industries and businesses either adapting to the new normal or going out of business. Good, hard-working people have lost jobs or had to live with reductions in income because of Covid-19. Many have become ill or died because of the pandemic. As companies try and adjust to increased regulations and risks, tough decisions must be made quickly.

At Full Tilt Logistics and Full Tilt Transportation, we have adapted and are moving forward in a more strategic way. Because of our strong family foundation, we have survived and are beginning to claw our way back. This pandemic put our companies in survival mode, and it is telling how you react when it is sink or swim. We are so proud and thankful for the strong family unit and wonderful employees working at Full Tilt. Our drivers, dispatchers, schedulers, account managers, brokers, and support staff have gone above and beyond, and we wouldn’t be here today without all of them.

As many of our long-term customers faltered, scaled back operations, or went out of business we developed stronger partnerships with the survivors to get through this together. We are seeing an uptick and a rising from the ashes for many customers. They all know they can count on Full Tilt and we have been a true partner and resource for many. We continue to offer creative solutions and unique opportunities to our customers.

During the past twelve months, we have redoubled our efforts to improve our effectiveness and efficiency as they relate to solving unique customer problems. We have invested significant dollars on new software and technology and the associated training for our employees. All done to improve service to our customers and encourage our employees to make the extra effort and go the extra mile to solve customer problems.

The pandemic has hit truck drivers especially hard. If truck stops are full and rest areas aren’t open, long-haulers may be forced to stop and sleep in unsafe spaces. Truck drivers are working hard but they need to park, rest, and take advantage of the facilities at rest stops. There is no doubt the US would not get through this pandemic without truck drivers. They are the unsung heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic that are holding the supply chain together. Without their willingness to work around the clock to deliver the supplies needed to restock America’s shelves, the country would grind to a halt.

As they are working, truckers are also doing their best to keep themselves healthy. While many people can stay home and protect themselves from COVID-19 exposure, truckers are not so lucky. Every day they put their lives at risk when they get into their rigs and go about their business. Thank a trucker when you see one.

full tilt logistics team

At Full Tilt every customer, big or small, is important. We promise to provide the highest level of service available anywhere at a fair price. Contact Full Tilt today for a true business partner to handle all your companies freight and transportation needs.

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